




”Neuromyology is a joining of applied neurology and applied muscle physiology into a very unique form of healthcare”




A common problem the field of medicine is facing today is the drifting apart of scientific knowledge and everyday practice. This calls for a holistic concept as a counterpart to the prevailing method of specialization. The question is: how can we as medical practitioners work in a holistic way but still maintain transparency and a clean-cut edge? A medical approach oriented toward interdisciplinary cooperation can aid in a practical healing process of all these fragments of knowledge forced upon us by the academic mainstream.

Neuromyology is a joining of applied neurology and applied muscle physiology into a very unique form of healthcare; this cutting edge approach consistently delivers powerful results, often where others fail.


With this technology, nervous system interference gets removed so that the body can effectively heal itself of ailments and illness, including challenging pain syndromes. Spastic, tight and ill contoured muscles are the greatest threat to the normal workings of the nervous system; being that the nervous system is of supreme importance in how the body works, integrates, heals and adapts, this ill functioning musculature is a very significant doorway to removing the impediments of healing


Many professions and approaches consistently ignore disturbed muscle tone and very often disturb it further with inappropriate methods and procedures, which tend to contribute to conditions becoming and staying chronic as well as causing a lifelong dependency on medications.


Trigger Points


Trigger points are areas of cells in the muscles that are locked in a dysfunctional cycle where blood flow has been reduced, and metabolic wastes are not being exchanged for oxygen and nutrients. If enough trigger points are located together, these form the “knots” that you feel when they are pressed.


Trigger points often are not located in the area in which you are actually feeling symptom, so you may have experienced that working on the area you feel pain does not give you relief. Trigger points are caused by injuries, over use, nutritional problems, endocrine system imbalances, some diseases and infections, and/or stress. Neuromyologist will conduct a postural analysis to determine where areas of dysfunction are occurring. The doctor will check for trigger points that may be referring pain to other areas causing discomfort. Once the trigger point has be identified the Neuromyologist may employ various techniques to remove the sensitive area. This may include Manual Pressure Therapy, Ultrasound or Low Level Cold Laser.



Treating musculoskeletal pain with 'RIT' (prolotherapy) stimulates the body to heal itself.

Regenerative Injection Treatments (RIT) are used for joint, tendon, ligament, muscle and spinal pain.They have been studied and practiced by physicians since the 1950s.

More recently RIT done with cell-based therapies using autologous platelet rich plasma/fat/bone marrow are at the forefront of sports and regenerative medicine worldwide. The American Academy of Pain Management, American Association of Interventional Pain Physicians and the American Academy of Orthopedic Medicine endorses RIT for chronic unresolved musculoskeletal pain.

Chronic musculoskeletal pain is the No. 1 cause of chronic disability in the United States and the leading reason for patient visits to physicians. Treating musculoskeletal pain can be difficult. Conventional treatment options are, at times, insufficient to restore function and reduce pain. Physical therapy, manipulation, drug treatment, corticosteroid injections and surgery can be beneficial in certain circumstances. When they are not successful, however, patients are often left without options.

RIT gives ligaments, tendons, and joints a second chance at healing and is often described as "anti-aging medicine" for the joints. When a joint is injured, ligaments and tendon insertions are strained. This causes an inflammatory response, a critical phase of healing.

Inflammation at a site of injury clears dead cells, promotes capillary growth and restores damaged tissue. However, there is the misconception that with time sprains and strains will heal completely.

In fact, post-injury healing of ligaments and tendons is only 50 to 70 percent of pre-injury strength. When ligaments are lax, joints become unstable, and degenerative changes can occur, which can lead to osteoarthritis.

For example, if one of the ligaments in the knee were strained, the knee joint is predisposed to early onset of arthritis (post-traumatic arthritis). Because RIT gives the ligament a second chance at healing, the ligament is strengthened, the joint is stabilized and the predisposition to arthritis is reversed.

To determine if a person is a candidate for RIT, a complete history and physical exam are done, sometimes along with lab tests, ultrasound evaluation, X-rays, CT scans, and MRI's. The joint/tendon/ligaments are evaluated and the site of damage or degeneration is determined. A detailed orthopedic physical exam is the most important part of any evaluation.


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